Steffanie’s Story

Steffanie Lopes, a 48-year-old dancer and teacher, has been experiencing perimenopause for the past five years — and fighting the blues with music and dance…

“Being perimenopausal has been a ride! The insomnia, night sweats, hot flashes and tears have been almost as tumultuous as puberty — and that’s saying a lot.”

Do you remember how you first learned about menopause?

From Claire on the Cosby show! I was about 16 when Claire realizes that she’s going through it — moody — emotional — and that episode totally opened my eyes to what my mom was going through. My mother never offered any information — but she goes there when I probe her — now.

So how has perimenopause affected your life?

Insomnia’s the worst! I teach dance for a living, and I need to rest. And those night sweats — the heavy flow —depression. And EMOTIONAL. I mean, when I see any baby on TV — even a diaper commercial — I weep through it. I have only one daughter — so the idea of not having any more biological children is upsetting. But at the same time, I almost went one full year with no period, and that was the best year EVER!

What do you do about that insomnia?

I crochet all night.

What are you taking to relieve these symptoms?

I heard about this bioidentical hormone cream from Suzanne Somers. It’s really helping my insomnia. She’s got a couple of books and they’re quite informative, good nutrition tips too.

How is your doctor involved?

She’s my gyno and primary care physician. And she believes in healing the body naturally — with supplements and food — not with drugs. I have support.

What’s your diet like?

I always ate healthy and still do — following my mom’s tradition. The cooking’s simple: Lime, beans, chicken, rice, manchupa stews — my favorite. I love good chocolate, red meat, red wine. Now I add a lot of hummus for peri — thanks to Suzanne for that! I try not to limit what I eat and drink so I don’t stress myself out—peri is stressful enough!

Any sexual changes? Dryness, libido shift?

My libido is more like it was when I was seventeen. I’m single now, but If it were up to me, I’d have some form of sex every day.

What about depression?

The depression has been for the past three years. I think that’s a combination of menopause and seasonal. I need to get back to my sunny California…where I grew up. But it has been tough to get up — with ease and get moving. THAT has been a very big change.

Any surprises in perimenopause?

Yes — how it mimics puberty: Mood swings, high sex drive — like a whole coming of age.

Who do you discuss perimenopause with?

I’ve been going through it alone. I’m the oldest of my friends— and at work. To have people going through the same thing would make all the difference in the world. I love the idea of a community to hash this out with.

On that note, what are your words of wisdom for people in perimenopause?

GET ACTIVE. Music and dance — that’s who I am — where my roots are. So move your body — remember that mind/body connection and it will help get you through!