Research / Insights

Health in Her Hue Presents: Beyond Recruitment – Empowering Black Women to Participate in Clinical Trials to Drive Health Innovation

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Black women’s participation in clinical trials plays a vital role in improving health outcomes in our communities, and Health In Her HUE is proud to be partnering with GCI Health to champion this!

RSVP now for “Beyond Recruitment: Empowering Black Women to Participate in Clinical Trials to Drive Health Innovation” with Dr. Denise N. Bronner, Kianta Key (@kiantakey) of GCI Health (@gci_health), and Sydney Cooper (@scoop1124).

Black women’s underrepresentation in clinical trials, even those addressing health conditions that disproportionately affect Black communities, is a pressing issue. This disparity is often attributed to the perception that Black women are a “hard-to-reach” community and reluctant to participate in health research due to historical and contemporary distrust of the medical establishment. However, a recent report, “Layered: Black Women’s Perceptions of Clinical Trials,” provides insightful observations on Black women’s beliefs, attitudes and barriers to clinical trial participation, revealing the need for a more nuanced and multidimensional approach.

Join us for a community conversation that digs into how health ecosystems can build trust among Black women and marginalized communities to participate in health research and explores the findings from Layered.


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